Indosat Launch
Competition of Wireless Telecommunication Technology Application
Competition of Wireless Telecommunication Technology Application
Jakarta, May 29, 2007 PT Indosat Tbk (Indosat) today launches Indosat Wireless Innovation Contest (IWIC) 2007, a competition of technology application of wireless telecommunication focusing on hardware and software development which have a benefit for the industry and the public. The program is launched by Director Corporate Services of Indosat, Sulistyo Wimbo S. Hardjito, accompany by other Indosat’s Directors, Wahyu Wijayadi and Wityasmoro Sih Handayanto.
“IWIC 2007 program is a part of Indosat corporate social responsibility focusing on education under the umbrella program INDONESIA BELAJAR. This program is hope to be able to become a competition arena in wireless technology for students,” explained S. Wimbo Hardjito.
The competition has been conducted for the last three years and its goals is to trigger the public to love technology, innovating and creating, specifically in the telecoomunication industry. Indosat is eager to be the pioneer in implementing knowledge transfer and technology by building value and spirit to innovate among the young generation and the general public.
Theme and Category
This year IWIC 2007 program is taking the theme of ” Wireless Technology for the industry and the public development” covering 2 categories (1) IDEA GENERATOR category and (2) PRODUCT ORIENTED category. Each category is divided into 2 criterias software and hardware.
Ide Generator category is for students of junior high school and high school focusing on wireless technology innovation as an idea potential to become a new value creator for the industry and the public. The output of idea generator category will have to be in the form of written concept.
Product oriented category is specifically for participants among the university students and the general public focusing on wireless technology innovation as application having value for the industry and the public. The output of this category will have to be in a form of prototype as an outcome from the idea propose.
For software category, the concept is tend to an idea or an innovative application from a wireless instrument never created befor, unique, having value added and is a new breakthrough having economical value, such as fun game in mobile phone, mobile phone as as tracking instrument, increasing number of SMS character in mobile phone, etc.
While concept of hardware category refers to an idea or an innovative application implemented in an equipment with new wireless based or an existing equipment with additional value and economical value, such as PIKO-BPI 001 or supporting electronic, wireless earthquacke detector , long distance controller with missed call, mobile phone as music player via wireless, etc.
Judging criteria
The overall judment will focus on ’INOVASI”, with criteria such originality of idea and the wireless innovation cretaed having economical value therefore has benefit for the industry related in a small and middle scale. Besides that, the creation has to be applicable and valueable in everyday life and can be created into a prorotype if going to grand final. For the product oriented category the concept has to be written in an A4 paper 6-8 pages. All creation will be judged by judges from innovation practition and new idea generator, vendor, researcher, representative from the media and professional from Indosat.
”Same as last year competition, this years competition is hoped to borned new wieless innovator with a more spectacular creation and owns a high applicative value and valuable for the telecommunication industry and the public,” said S. Wimbo Hardjito. ”Seperti hasil pada kompetisi sebelumnya, kompetisi tahun ini diharapkan akan melahirkan kembali bintang-bintang inovator wireless dengan karya-karya yang lebih spektakuler dan memiliki nilai aplikasi tinggi dan manfaat besar bagi industri telekomunikasi dan masyarakat ,” tutur S. Wimbo Hardjito.
Prize and Appreciation
Indosat appreciation for the winners will be: for I, II, and III winner of idea generator winner, each will receive education saving with value of Rp 10 million, Rp 7.5 million, Rp 5 million, medal, 3G HP and other prizes. While for the number I, II and III winner of product oriented will receive education saving of Rp 25 million, Rp 20 million and Rp 15 million, medal, 3G HP and other prizes. The concept of participants can be delivered to Galeri Indosat all over Indonesia or through email and or, at the latest on October 7 2007. The grand final will be in the middle of November 2007. This program is supported by Nokia Siemens Network and Ericsson. The favorite winner will be choosen through SMS polling between tgl 2-19 Nopember 2007
Roadshow in 16 cities.As a part of this program, Indosat starting in the beginning of June will conduct roadsho in universities in 16 cities all over Indonesia. This event is aim to build innovation spirit among the young generation also to socialize IWIC 2007. During the roadshow socialization about 3,5G Indosat will also be conducted. Other than that last year winner will also deliver their testimony and their success story about IWIC program. Currently last year winner has become Indosat’s innovation team.
”Indosat will continue to be consistent in commiting its social responsibility for the public through education, including its commitment to create an innovative young gerations in the technology field, specifically in wireless technology,” S. Wimbo Hardjito ended his explanations.
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